Friday, April 3, 2009


Here is one post that is really all about me- that never happens! My wrist has been hurting for a long time so I finally decided to go to the doctor. Wednesday I had a late afternoon appointment and after waiting FOREVER, Dr. Riley finally saw me. I do not have corpal tunnel. I have tendinitis. He said that the tunnel that my ligament goes through is too small because the ligament is permenantly swollen. He gave me a cortisone shot in it. PAIN. Lots and lots of pain. Yesterday I did not even go to work because it was hurting so bad that I had not gotten any rest in the night. Still, it is hurting immensely today. Our school nurse took one look at it and is convinced that I am having an allergic reaction. The doctor hasn't called back yet, so we'll see what they say.
I said this was going to be all about me, but I cannot help but tell about the cutest thing Josey did. Yesterday, she was being very entertaining since I was home with her all day. She loves to sit up now, but can't always say up for very long. She was sitting up and then leaned forward and fell over (this was on the couch and I was right there, so this was safe), then wiggled around, stuck her legs out behind her so that she was on her stomach, and then rolled over. Then she looked at me like-- see how big I am? It was too funny.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you start feeling better...I was going to let you know that I took the kids bluebonnet pictures at the Bedias Bank in Kurten. Josey will look so cute in the flowers.
